I need my Small Business Tax Return prepared. What information do I need to submit?

It depends on the type of small business you own. Is it a proprietorship or a corporation?

If it’s a proprietorship, meaning you are the sole proprietor and it is a non-registered, unincorporated business that you run independently, then you will need to complete two main documents.

Click here to download the Tax Information Booklet and the Small Business Worksheet.

The Small Business Worksheet will guide you once you appropriately click no to the first question: Are you registered for HST? This will cover your total, including HST income, expenses, car expenses, and home office expenses that may be associated with running your business.

If you are registered for HST, click yes, and the fields to amount not including HST, HST received, and total including HST become fillable fields.

Click here to download the Tax Information Booklet and the Small Business Worksheet.

Or, if you are incorporated, you will need to complete the Corporate Worksheet, which again guides you through the steps of being registered for HST or not.

Click here to download the Corporate Worksheet.

If you need assistance, please contact our office at 905-648-8656 or email us at office@bptax.ca

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